Topics Vtech, V Smile. Smile Addeddate 2017-09-03 23:07:58 Identifier VTechV.Smile Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. The V.Smile (stylized as V.SMILE TV LEARNING SYSTEM) is a sixth-generation educational home video game console manufactured and released by VTech. Titles are available on ROM cartridges called 'Smartridges', to play off the system's educational nature. The graphics are primarily sprite -based.
i got interested about the V.Smile again some weeks ago and quickly bought 4 new/undumped games for it!Vtech V Smile Emulator Download
- 52-092004 - Abenteuer im ABC Park (GER)V Smile Emulator Download
- 52-092422 - Finding Nemo - De Wonderwereld Van Nemo (NL)
. 52-092862 - Shrek De Derde - Arthurs Schooldag Avontuur (NL)
- 52-092942 - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (NL)
The current emulation-status of the V.Smile is most likely only luck...some games boot in MAME, some only give a black screen. Sound and Controls are not emulated.
As i'm pretty sure the booting games would be playable, if controls would work...i contacted BeckieRGB about it! She did some investigations and found it! 'It's a 4800 bps 8N1 serial protocol with some control lines.'
This will hopefully bring us working controls in the next few weeks!

As there are alot of questions about the CPU and SOUND, i contacted Sean if he can buy a console and decap the CPU from it!
He bought a 'V.Smile' and a 'V.Smile Baby' and decapped the CPU's from it!
V.Smile - Sunplus QU7073-P69A |
V.Smile Baby - OL8139C or QL8139C |
Sean also dumped the US-Bios of the V.Smile too!
I really hope more devs get interested at the current V.Smile MAME-driver and we get some games to a 'working' state.
First off, welcome to 2014 for those still following along the V Smile Homebrew website. Hey! was that a tumble weed that just blew by? 🙂
Things have been happening behind the scenes with game development and porting current arcade style games to the V Smile platform, however the major hurtle at the moment is putting the games on real cartridges. If anyone has some incite to that, please comment below.
In other news, I recently picked up a “Bob The Builder: Bob’s Busy Day” cartridge for $1.00 USD. Not a bad deal. I haven’t tried the game out yet, but for a dollar, you can’t go wrong. I’ve seen V Smile cartridges going for crazy money at local thrift stores lately, like $7.00 – $8.00 crazy. Maybe that’s cheap, but to me that’s pricy for a loose cartridge.

Anyway, hello and “thank you” for following along. I’ll try to work on some screen shots of games I’ve already ported to work on the V Smile, which means hopefully more frequent updates to the site.